Friday, September 14, 2007

El Nino

Damn you El Nino!

Why did you have to revisit us this year? Don't get me wrong, I love sunny skies, but heat waves and dry spells cause me trouble. When I'm driving to San Jose on Highway 280, I notice the waterline is considerably lower than usual this year. While I haven't heard of any local droughts as a result of the extremely dry year, I know the native plant life has been affected.

The most annoying part of El Nino, for me personally, is the horrid allergies I've had all year. I'm literally writing sentences of this blog between sneezing fits. My trusty 24-hour Claritin lost its effectiveness months ago and I haven't had the budget to try out new kinds of allergy medications. I heard somewhere that our air is coming from China. If this is true, we can add air to the list of defective product recalls. Don't ask me how.

1 comment:

La Professora said...

Indeed, with the jetstream air flows easterly and thus some of the particulate matter in the air in California comes from China. Breathe deeply and keep up with your blog.