Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm Jealous of My Dad

My dad is living the easy life. He's been retired for over 3 years now and seems to get better at it each year. Now a full-time golfer, he has a year-round golfer's tan and raccoon eyes from sunglasses. He even gets rewards for having such a laid-back lifestyle. He has been in Mexico all week, soaking up the nice weather with my mom, which happened to be a trip he won in a golf raffle. I'm totally jealous how easy he has it, but the man has worked for decades to be able to do what he's doing now.

There are things about my dad's lifestyle which I find questionable. He has a big SUV, which is nice, but sucks an incredible amount of gas. The other problem I have with my dad is that he owns shares in Wal-Mart! When he first mentioned this to me, I rattled-off several reasons why he shouldn't buy in to such an evil empire, but then I realized his portfolio had more influence than my cheap facts. I'll tell this to my dad and any other holders of Wal-Mart stock: I hope you can sleep at night! My dad chuckled and said "Very comfortably."

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